Before we get started, we need to have a heart to heart. 

Penalties for Canadian residents that violate municipal COVID-19 laws range from $5,000-$100,000. That's a lotttt of PBRs. While other leagues chose to shut down, we've been planning all summer trying to Keep the Dream Alive and give you all a great season because we know how important hockey is to the mental and physical well being of our players.

To do this, we're taking it extremely seriously and we hope you are too. This is bigger than you, LUG or anyone else. 

Any violation of the LUG CODE OF CONDUCT and you & your team will be ejected from LUG without refund and potentially fined $ by your city. 

You read that correctly. We're not playing around. No single player or team is more important than a division, a city, and all its players.

Spitting on the ice or the bench? Gone. Not social distancing (on the bench and in the arena)? Gone. No Masks? Gone. Showering? Gone. Loitering, drinking, smoking..gone. 

We know this sounds harsh, but's not. and not to be a narc but if any arena staff actually captures a team name, a player number or you're on camera...they will be reporting it directly to their City Health Official and there could be legal action. They will then check our website and contact us regarding the player/team in question and lay down fines in real cash up to $100,000. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. 

The truth is...all we're asking from you is to treat everyone with respect, follow All arena & COVID rules, don't drink or smoke, and be a good person. 

It's not that hard but it requires your buy-in and your participation to work. If you don't think you can put on your grown-up pants and follow these rules, you may as well not show up at all. Seriously, please tell us now. 


ARRIVAL/DEPARTUREPlayers can arrive a maximum of 15 minutes prior to scheduled ice time and must depart the arena 15 minutes after games.  
SCREENINGAnyone entering the facility must complete the COVID-19 screening using the new LUG TEAMSNAP APP or will be denied entry.
SPITTING/PUKINGNo spitting on the bench or the ice. We know you're out of shape, but seriously, no puking either. Go for a run once in a while. 
DRESSED AT ARRIVAL/DEPARTURESome arena's require players to arrive dressed to play. Use the grid below to check the requirements for your city. If you showed up dressed, you have to leave dressed too. No changing in the hallways. 
PHYSICAL DISTANCINGPlayers will be required to observe physical distancing measures at all times inside of the arena. THIS INCLUDES ON BENCHES. In fact, some arena's may not allow all players to be on the bench but lined up along the glass.
SANITIZINGWe strongly recommend sanitizing your hands frequently while in the arena.
MASKSMasks are required at all times when not wearing a helmet. No exceptions. 
SHOWERSClosed. Use of showers is prohibited. This is huge sticking point. DO NOT USE THE SHOWERS EVEN IF THEY ARE OPEN AND WORK. STAFF AT THESE ARENAS WILL BE CHECKING. 
SPECTATORS/FANS/COACHESNot permitted for season start. This will be dependant on Provincial and arena specific regulations. And before you ask, no you cannot  bring a coach. 
ALCOHOL/SMOKING/DRUGSAbsolutely no alcohol, smoking or drugs, in the arena or on arena property. Garbage cans are checked after games for empties. Don't bring them to the rink.
LUG hands out merchandise and samples throughout the year, DO NOT LEAVE GARBAGE behind for the rink guys to clean. They want to go home same as you, be kind and clean up.

We know that list is pretty intimidating off the hop but it'll become easier as we get into the swing of things. 

That said,  you need to CLICK BELOW to view your specific city and arena  rules, because this is not a one-size fits all approach and each arena has some unique things about it. 

This list is comprehensive but not all encompassing. If an arena staff tells you to do something, do it. Thats the rule of the law.