If you are the "HOME" team captain:
- Go to World of Chel > Clubs > Play 3v3
- Choose your desired position
- Have your teammates join the lobby and select their positions
- Go to Matchmaking Settings and input the settings (private game)
- Input the password for your private match (first 5 characters of HOME team name + "LUG") *see Game Setup & Passwords for more detailed information
- All players ready up and wait for your opponent to connect to start the match
If you are the "AWAY" team:
- Go to World of Chel > Clubs > Play 3v3
- Choose your desired position
- Have your teammates join the lobby and select their positions
- Go to Matchmaking Settings and input the settings (private game)
- Input the password for your private match (first 5 characters of HOME team name + "LUG") *see Game Setup & Passwords for more detailed information
- All players ready up and wait for your opponent to connect to start the match
NHL21 EASHL Settings |
Game Type | PRIVATE GAME |
Password | [first 5 characters of HOME team name] + "LUG" |
Side Selection | Any |
Server Selection | North America North-East (you can coordinate with your opponent if another works better) |
LUG NHL22 EASHL Season IV will use the standard EASHL rules built-in by default in the game. No need to change any settings.
In order to connect with the correct opponent, both teams must ready up with the identical password set within their respective matchmaking settings. For every matchup, teams must input the password as THE FIRST 5 CHARACTERS OF THE HOME TEAM'S NAME. This will not include spaces or capitalization.
ex: Home team name = "The Chupacabras", Password = "thechLUG"
- Each team's captain must ready up with their teammates and input the matchmaking settings to connect with the opponent.
- Each team's captain is responsible for submitting the game sheet at the end of each match/at the end of the night.
- Each "gametime" (as seen on the schedule) is a 30-minute slot, which should give enough time for game setup, gameplay, and transition into the next game.
- The schedule is only a framework for you, so if both teams are ready to go before/after the suggested time, feel free to communicate and coordinate the next matchup. If you need to reschedule games make sure to communicate with the other team's captain to do so.
- If you are having troubles connecting with your opponent, communicate with them through the Official LUG Discord in the NHL20 channel.
- Only players that are rostered on teams are allowed to participate, this means no bringing in ringers. LUG moderators will be checking game sheets and team rosters to make sure gamertags all match up. If you are using a sub, please let everyone know on the Discord (#eashl-xbox and #eashl-ps channels). Playoffs will require that only players registered on the website can participate.
At the completion of a game, both Captains are responsible to complete a Post Game Report. Players must submit their scores for games to be scored and valid. The post game report is also used to rate/review your opponent so keep it friendly, LUG will not tolerate any offensive, abusive, or aggressive behaviour online.
We will be using the Official LUG Discord to keep track of scores for Season III. Make sure you have joined the LUG Discord, otherwise your scores will be omitted. The channels for score submission are called #nhl-xbox-scores and #nhl-ps-scores.
Scores should be completed upon the completion of EACH game, but we will accept scores until the end of the night. If your game has been rescheduled, just let us know when you submit the scores in the channel.
- Take a screenshot/picture of the final score as indicated below (Player Summary)
- Follow the Score Submission Format as indicated below
- Send your Score Submission with the Screenshot attached in a Discord message into either #nhl-xbox-scores or #nhl-ps-scores
Score Submission Format
" Game number: [as indicated on website]
Matchup: [TEAM1 vs TEAM2]
[Final Score]
My team: [Your team name and abbreviation as indicated on the final score screenshot]
[W, L, Forfeit W, OTW, or OTL]
[Attach image]"
For the above Screenshot, the Score Submission would look like this:
Game number: 1
Matchup: South Street Muckers vs Wall Street Rallybombs
3 - 8
My team: Wall Street Rallybombs (WSR)
We've set up Discord Channels for each Division to create a direct line of communication between Players and LUG eSports staff. If you have any issues during the game or connecting with you opponent, use the Discord links below to chat with LUG Staff.
Let's have some more fun with this! We'll be featuring some of the awesome PLUGs playing in the LUG NHL21 EASHL league on our Instagram. To win some of these awards, feel free to post a story tagging us to enter into these contests, and maybe win some extra prizes!
- Best Dressed Team Award (post a story of your team to show off your awesome custom jerseys and equipment)
- Best-Looking Player Award (post a story of your individual player to show off your good-looks and sick gear)
- Best Barn Award (post a story of your team's arena)
- PLUG Gamer "Behind the Controller Vibe" Award (post a story of your gaming setup! Are you wearing LUG Speed Shades? Having some gaming-beverages? Got a sick gaming chair? Show us!)
- Playoffs will be played on Monday, January 31st starting at 5PM EST.
- Everyone makes playoffs
- Games MUST be played on Monday, January 31st.
- Each series will be single-game elimination
Make sure to check the Discord for updates on standings and schedule. Best of luck!
Q: WHAT HAPPENS IF THE GAME DISCONNECTS? (whole team and/or single player)
A: 1st Period: If a game disconnects during the 1st period, restart the game and let the clock run until the time that the previous game was disconnected. Complete the remainder of the game as normal (using the score from the original game as the starting point).
2nd & 3rd Period: If the game disconnects during the 2nd or 3rd period, players can coordinate a new time to play the game outside of scheduled game days. All rescheduled games must be completed before the next week's games start.
A: If a team is down 5 goals at any point in the game, they can quit the game. If a player chooses to Mercy/Rage Quit, the game will be scored with an 8 goal differential. The Winning Team is responsible for submitting that score. Indicate the score shown on the player summary when submitting scores (ex: a forfeited win from a 7 - 2 game will be scored as 10 - 2).
A: Teams have until the 5 minute mark to join their game (ie: 8:05, 8:35, 9:05). If a player does not show up by this time, it is considered a forfeit. However, players can reach out to their opponents to reschedule a game. If the game is rescheduled it must be reschedule for a time PRIOR to the original game time.
Forfeits are scored as a 5-0 win for the team that showed up. Please make sure to indicate that the game was a forfeit in the post-game report. We are expecting players to be honest and fair, so make sure you at least try to reach out to your opponent before the 5 minute mark before considering the game a forfeit.
A: The default setting within the game is Continuous OT, so we are going to run with that. Please indicate on your post-game report that it was either an overtime win/loss. An overtime loss still yields a point for your stats.
A: Please try to submit your post game report after each scheduled game. This makes it much easier to track your scores. Your deadline to submit the post-game reports for round robin games is at 12PM EST on January 31st and all playoff games scores must be submitted before 11:59PM EST on January 31st. If you cannot submit the reports for any reason, let us know by emailing bgourley@lugsports.com
Need support? Contact us on the Discord Channel based on your division.